Brand Imagery & Design Training for Nottingham-based Funeral Company Shrine Crystals

The owner of a Nottingham-based funeral company approached me about a business that they were looking to build within the funeral industry.

Our initial work revolved around creating the design templates for their company and working on a range of different printed products, all of which required a few different technical considerations when designing.

Once these design templates were developed and created, I provided some design training through video content that showed the client step by step how to manage and update their templates.

I also worked on creating their initial brand image – developing a logo and visual identity for their landing page.

As their products are fairly unique, but in quite a saturated market, we looked at ways to create a brand image that was beautiful, expensive, but still leant towards funeral style brands.

We went through several iterations of logos and imagery, deciding on using the crystal symbol as the basis for the logo.

Shrine Crystals Logo Design

Brand imagery & design training for Nottingham-based funeral company Shrine Crystals
Brand imagery & design training for Nottingham-based funeral company Shrine Crystals
Brand imagery & design training for Nottingham-based funeral company Shrine Crystals

Other Design Concepts from Development

Jet Setters Single Colour Logo RGB

More of The Project To Follow Soon